Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The kite runner...

What can I say about The kite runner? READ IT!!!

A beautifully written novel that encomapasses a wide range of emotions right from a child's desperate quest for his dad's approval to the anguish of a grown up.The novel keeps you captivated right from the start and there is never a dull moment.The transition of Afghanistan from the 70's to its present state can be picturised as you take this journey with the kite runner.

Kudos to Khalid Hosseini for putting emotions into words so well.Its been a long time since someone has done that.The author,unlike most Indian ones,has used simple language to depict something so complex.

If you have read Vikas Swarup's 'Q&A' and enjoyed it then you surely will love 'The kite runner'.Both have almost the same pace and the crispness that forbids you to drop the book before you have finished it.

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